Use "papule|papules" in a sentence

1. Cherry Angiomas are cherry red papules on the skin containing an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels… Cherry Angiomas are made up of clusters of capillaries at the surface of the skin, forming a small round dome (“papule”), which may be flat …

2. The papules, called Comedones, usually occur on

3. • In men: pearly penile papules on the coronal sulcus

4. Closed Comedones (whiteheads) are uninflamed skin-coloured papules.

5. Closed Comedones (whiteheads) are uninflamed skin-coloured papules

6. Those ridges look a lot like purple papules.

7. 20 The dermatoscopy revealed dilated puncta on the papules.

8. Open Comedones (blackheads) are grey, orange, brown or black papules

9. Apocrine hidrocystomas most commonly appear as solitary, soft, dome-shaped, translucent papules

10. Symmetrical papular genital lesions Coronal sulcus (pearly penile papules) Vestibular papillae (micropapillomatis labialis)

11. 15 A yellowish - orange, lipid - filled nodule or papule in the skin,( often on an eyelid or a joint.

12. Comedones are small flesh-colored acne papules. They usually develop on the forehead and chin

13. IgA vasculitis or cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis), hemorrhagic papules and necrotic plaques which occur in acral areas after cooling indicate cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, hemorrhagic papules and macules which develop in patients who start to feel worse and develop fever should arouse suspicion of septic vasulitis, while the simultaneous presence of ulcerating nodules and hemorrhagic papules without predilection for the lower legs will suggest ANCA-associated vasculitis.

14. Focal acral hyperkeratosis is a disorder characterized by hyperkeratotic papules along the border of the hands and feet.

15. Malassezia folliculitis (synonym: Pityrosporum folliculitis) is a polymorphic dermatomycosis characterized by the development of small papules and pustules.

16. Comedone extraction may also temporarily stop whiteheads and blackheads from turning into inflammatory lesions like papules and pustules

17. Cherry Angiomas, also known as Campbell de Morgan spots or senile Angiomas, are cherry red papules on the skin

18. A Comedo (plural Comedones) is a plugged follicular orifice. Open Comedones (blackheads) are grey, orange, brown or black papules

19. Bites from midges, mosquitoes and gnats often cause small papules (lumps) to form on your skin that are usually very itchy.

20. Chancres progress from a papule to an ulcer, which is typically painless, indurated, well circumscribed, round to oval in shape, with a clean base

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22. Carcinoma en Cuirasse begins with papules and nodules, dispersed and firm, which are grouped into larger, indurated, sclerodermiform-like plaques

23. Adrenergic urticaria is a rare type of stress-induced physical urticaria characterized by transient outbreaks of red papules surrounded by halos of hypopigmented, vasoconstricted skin

24. In contrast, a second child at the age of nine months presented with brown aggregated scaling, crusted and ulcero-necrotic papules mainly restricted to the abdomen.

25. Comedones are the skin-coloured, small bumps (papules) frequently found on the forehead and chin of those with acne.A single lesion is a comedo.

26. Syphilitic Chancre (736686006); Chancre caused by Treponema pallidum (736686006) Definition The primary sore of syphilis, a painless indurated, eroded papule, occurring at the site of entry of the infection.

27. What are Comedones? Comedones are the skin-coloured, small bumps (papules) frequently found on the forehead and chin of those with acne. A single lesion is a comedo

28. The papules are flesh-colored or have a slightly yellowish hue and occur, in decreasing order of frequency, in the Axillae, groin, areolae, and inframammary folds.1.

29. Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) syndrome is a rare complex genetic skin disorder (genodermatosis) characterized by the development of skin papules generally located on the head, face and upper torso

30. Actinic keratoses (AKs or solar keratoses) are keratotic or scaling macules, papules, or plaques resulting from the intraepidermal proliferation of atypical keratinocytes in response to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

31. Comedogenicity is generally defined as the ability of an ingredient to clog pores and cause comedones (acne papules and their most common forms as white and black heads)

32. Cowden syndrome-1 is a hamartomatous disorder characterized by macrocephaly, facial trichilemmomas, acral keratoses, papillomatous papules, and an increased risk for the development of breast, thyroid, and endometrial Carcinoma.

33. 20 We herein present a 16-year-old boy who had multiple mildly itchy, erythematous papules with confluence in a linear arrangement on his left thumb for 6 months.

34. Chancroid is infection of the genital skin or mucous membranes caused by Haemophilus ducreyi and characterized by papules, painful ulcers, and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes leading to suppuration

35. Grover described a clinicopathologic entity characterized by pruritic keratotic papules and papulovesicles predominantly on the trunk, disappearing spontaneously after a few weeks or months and demonstrating the histological features of epidermal acantholysis.

36. Chancroid is infection of the genital skin or mucous membranes caused by Haemophilus ducreyi and characterized by papules, painful ulcers, and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes leading to suppuration

37. Clinical findings after accidental contact with the parasitic mite larvae include erythematous papules and urticarial plaques, to some extent with vesicular transformation, which can lead to excoriations due to the intense pruritus.

38. Condylomata acuminata (also known as anogenital warts or venereal warts) are manifestations of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection that typically appear as flesh-colored or hyperpigmented verrucous papules or plaques in the perianal or genital region

39. In 1986 Rongioletti introduced the term acral persistent papular mucinosis for persistent papules on the dorsum of the hands and distal forearms. Skin specimens reveal mucin deposits which resemble those in lichen myxedematosus (LM).

40. They are also known as senile angioma, capillary angioma, cherry hemangioma, Campbell de Morgan spots or cherry red skin papules/moles.The size of the Angiomas can vary from a pinhead to about a quarter-inch in diameter.

41. Generalized basaloid follicular hamartoma syndrome is a rare, genetic skin disease characterized by multiple milium-like, Comedone-like lesions and skin-colored to hyperpigmented, 1 to 2 mm-sized papules, associated with hypotrichosis and palmar/plantar pits.

42. Chancre STD The classic 1º skin lesion of syphilis, which consists of a painless 1–2 cm ulcer; the 1º Chancre is highly contagious, contains zillions of spirochetes, and heals as a papule; Chancres outside the vagina or on the scrotum render condoms useless in disease-preventing systems